TSK's Photo Album
 Me and My friends...............
with Ko Myat Phone and Myint Oo. I suppose I am not heaviest yet. 
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Maung Maung Kyaw is much different from high school. quite tall and much handsome. 
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Ko Nay Win, Ma Cho, Aye Aye Khine and Htay Htay Han with us on happy occasion. 
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Ko Tin Maung Than , Ma Ma Aye and family. 
It is very nice to know their happy family.
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Ko Win Myint, Ma Cherry. He is brother of Daw Khin Saw Win. 
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Ko Ko Swe and family on one of gethering at home. Ma Ma Yi is one of Soe's favorite talking partner over the phone.
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We met Kyaw Tha at airport when Soe and children arrived in Singapore.
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Ko Po Thein, we met him in Singapore before he went to Japan. 
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Maung Maung Myat Moe, now at UK. I know he is now happy busy with study and family.
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Nyi Nyi Tun, somehow related to Lee family, rarely seen with us. 
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This is Kyaw Thu with us on my children's birthday. He is now at Malaysia.
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Min Kyi and Soe Min Tun. I will catergorise them into poor guys because they do not know how to look for girlfriend until now. 
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This guy named Soe Min Tun was ready to fly to USA to witness the birth of his future wife-to-be. But I heard that he is still waiting for. 
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